Sunday, September 13, 2020

New Year, Again

 Two years since my last post. 


At first I thought that I had nothing to show for it. Then slowly but surely I started to re-connect with my studies, meditation, and realised that despite not having done much aside from work-to-survive for the past few years - there has been ongoing developments beneath the surface.


I can now pick a copy of Rabbi Abraham Abulafia's published work in Hebrew and read a few pages with only a few breaks to look up some of the more esoteric words. After a rusty start, the Abulafian meditations are flowing once again as they were in previous years.

It feels like returning to workshops in my mind, removing the dust sheets, and finding that the tools are still well oiled. All that was needed to kick-start this rebirth was the passing of Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz. News of his passing came as a shock and in the depth of my despair, and daily grind of earning a living - I realised that somewhere along the way I stopped living.


It's almost the start of a new jewish year. It's a time for reflection and rebirth. A time to take an "account of the soul". Having gone through a number of dark tea-times of the soul, I'm familiar with rebuilding my life. From my old self is made a stronger, more resilient me. Better able to weather the current crises and use them to grow as a practitioner and mystic. The path of Abulafian meditation beckons me as it has in the past. This time I have the language skills to move beyond the front door and in to the house of study.

One more thing... I wanted to test if my measuring stick was still working. By that I mean the Lions... well, it seems that they did pretty well for the first three quarters. So there's plenty of room for improvement - for them and for me.

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